Commercial Sale Leaseback Investment Properties

Commercial Real Estate Investment Properties

Commercial real estate is a phenomenal way to invest for the long term. Finding an investment property and developing an investment property are often used by individuals to diversify their wealth and build long-term solutions to make their money work for them. Investment properties are not the easiest to find, but using an expert in the market will enable you to find and locate the best investment properties. Investment properties can be properties in distress or fully developed, with the intention of earning a return on the property either through rental income or the future resale of the property, often both.

Make Your Money Work For Itself: Purchasing Investment Properties

Investment propertySVN | Infinity Commercial Group’s investment team is spearheaded by industry leader Mark Zvibleman, MBA, J.D., CCIM, an experienced broker who has a complete understanding of the local investment market. As a J.D. and CCIM (Certified Commercial Investment Member), Mark enables his diverse portfolio of clients and potential investment sites to best direct our clients to find exactly what they are looking for. Mark’s success with commercial real estate investment in the greater St. Louis area comes with his ability to understand the needs of the client while navigating the depth and complexities of the commercial real estate market. Brokers at SVN | Infinity utilize state of the art technology and tools ranging from CCIM to Costar. Our brokerage has the latest programs and tools to provide our clients with a complete understanding of all factors of their new potential investment property.

Commercial Real Estate Investment Services

  • Long Term Cash Flow Models
  • Internal Rate of Return Calculation
  • Capital Accumulation and Discounted Cash Flow Models
  • 1031 Investments

Finding Investment Properties

If you are looking for a commercial real estate agent to help you acquire a property or a commercial real estate broker who will help you acquire long term wealth, SVN | Infinity helps our clients find property and investment opportunities that best fit into our clients wealth and success plan. Our long-term planning mixed with our commercial real estate experience in commercial and property management, commercial real estate development, industrial and warehouse lease/sale and property development makes our approach for investment property and projects unique and successful.

“We help our clients acquire and maintain wealth through commercial real estate investment and development.”

Property Management is a great way to deviate some of the responsibilities and obligations of the landowner. Let us show you the benefits of hiring a great property manager!

Let’s Connect

Let’s face it, commercial real estate is all about relationships and we want to get to know you. If you fill out the form on the right, we promise not to damage that relationship with annoying or aggressive sales calls or spam email. In fact, we promise to get to know you and your unique real estate challenges so that we can best serve you. Give us a try, take the first step.

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